
Teaching Te Reo Māori and Making a Difference
VoicesBilly Revell, our Pule o le Nu’u | Community Lead sat down with Charles Looker our Awekura | Kaihautū Lead and Kairapu (Alumni) of 2016. Hear what Charles has to say about his journey with Ako Mātātupu and teaching.
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Happy Classrooms
PublicationsMany of our community leaders share the dream for Aotearoa New Zealand to be the best place in the world to grow up. The core wish for every young person to have a happy childhood is shared across so many lines of difference. With that great headstart, we invite you to consider with us the key role of joy in learning. Together, as leaders of learning and seekers of social change, we also explore practical strategies for creating a happy classroom environment.
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Equity in Education
PublicationsEquity in education is a necessary step to counter the harms of unfair norms. This blog explores some of the differences between equity and equality, and shares ways to support equitable outcomes at the classroom level. We also challenge the limitations of equity and encourage each other to walk the line between taking steps to support students in the now, whilst dreaming of a transformed world in which all of us can thrive.
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Rākaunui Reflections: Zayne Collier
VoicesGuided by the Maramataka, each Rākaunui full moon we take the time to kōrero amongst our community of Kairapu: change-seekers in education and society. This month we hear from Zayne Collier - a treasured member of Te Kāpehu Rauora, Cohort 2023.
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Every Day is Waitangi Day
VoicesToday Rākaunui coincides with Waitangi Day - a great day for big collective energy to put toward collective results. At Ako Mātātupu one of our core values is Mana Tangata, acknowledging our duty to re-Indigenise education for our learners. In partnership with our communities, we aim to develop teaching and leadership programmes that contribute towards a much bigger goal of widespread systemic change - for the benefit of all the people of Aotearoa.
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Teaching Jobs Auckland
PublicationsTāmaki Makaurau Auckland is our nation's biggest city, with over 500 schools serving the young people of the diverse (yet too often segregated and unequal) suburbs and communities that make up this big mosaic of a place. Interested in teaching in Tāmaki Makaurau? Find out more about the teaching jobs landscape in Auckland:
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Māori Education
PublicationsMāori education is a contested yet agentic site of hope and aspiration. Find out more about some of the history, present and future of Māori education, and the role that we all can play in making sure that our schools and our society can enable all young people to thrive.
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Ako Mātātupu Rangatira at Tekau
News itemsCelebrating a decade of service and wayfinding toward education equity! Hinekura Smith (Te Rarawa, Ngāpuhi, Te Ati Awa) was a pou in the development and delivery of the fledgling Teach First NZ Programme, and at our recent community celebration reminded us to keep hold of our 'radical-tanga' alongside our manaakitanga. Change, after all, requires brave thinking! Check out more of the insights from Tekau:
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Tekau: 10 Years of Participants on the Teach First NZ Programme
News items10 years of tenacious teachers and leaders, 10 years of forming friendships and allegiances for all manner of change-making projects and relationships. 10 years of scholarship and inquiry. 10 years of brave cohorts, Cohort 2013-Cohort 2023! Check out the timeline.
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You're invited! Come celebrate Tekau: 10 Years of Ako Mātātupu
News itemsOn December 10th 2022 from 6pm we welcome you to join us in a celebration of Tekau: 10 Years of Ako Mātātupu, at Due Drop Events Centre Manukau. Hear from students, teachers, and change-seekers as we celebrate the past ten years and wayfind for the future of education. Grab your free tickets via our EventFinda, link below:
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Unqualified Teacher Jobs
PublicationsWorking as an unqualified teacher can be a great way to be of service to students during a school's time of need. However, training to become a fully-qualified teacher is important for your development and career journey. Gaining qualified teacher status will meaningfully grow your ability to be an adaptive curricular and pastoral expert for the young people in your care. Read more about the process of becoming qualified, and the scholarship-funded pathway available with Ako Mātātupu:
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Serving Community
PublicationsServing Community is a core value at Ako Mātātupu - both within and beyond formal education settings. Much more than a metaphor or talking point, it is a way of life. Come explore the concept and practise of service with us, as we unpack (and debunk some myths!) about what it can mean to serve community:
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Tekau: 10 Years of Ako Mātātupu | Call for Papers
PublicationsA call for contributions to our Kairapu anthology of essays & reflections on education and social change! Celebrating Tekau: 10 Years of Ako Mātātupu would be impossible without the voices of Kairapu (change-seekers in education & society). What have we learned about teaching and social justice since we started on the programme? What have we learned from our students? How have *we* changed, as people? Check out the details!
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Rethinking the very purpose of education, with Teach For All CEO Wendy Kopp
In the mediaWendy Kopp is the founder and CEO of Teach For All, is the author of two books, holds honorary doctorates from 15 universities, and has been named among Time Magazine's 100 Most Influential People. Ako Mātātupu is a proud locally-led member of the Teach For All network. Wendy recently sat down with Kathryn Ryan on RNZ's Nine to Noon Programme to share some of the issues and insights that guide and motivate us:
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Trust as foundation for the learning relationship, with Kairapu Mitchell Clark
VoicesProudly raised in Manurewa, Mitchell Clark (Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Tautahi) has gone from strength to strength since embarking on the Teach First NZ Programme as part of Cohort 2018 with Ako Mātātupu. Enjoy this wide-ranging conversation on teaching physics and music, finding ground to stand in Māori and rainbow identities, and some advice (and anti-advice!) for those considering stepping into teacher training.
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Te Tiriti-Based Futures, with Kairapu Hannah Betts
VoicesStop rushing, develop trust; accept nuance: just some of the ways we can work toward a Te Tiriti-based future. On International Womens Day - and all days - we are lucky to learn alongside people who are making big and small steps towards a reindigenised Aotearoa. Read on to think through the slower pace required for relational journeys toward a just society, and consider Hannah Betts' invitation to sign up for Te Tiriti-based Futures webinar sessions!
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Growing a Meaningful Career, with Alysha Bentley
Introducing Kāuru Akatoro Recruitment Lead, Alysha Bentley!
Alysha is on our hīkoi toward an Aotearoa where every young person realises their potential. Her role as Kāuru Akatoro is all about connecting with people who are interested in becoming change-makers in the education system. Hear Alysha share some of her path, as well as her advice to anyone seeking a meaningful career.
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Your Questions Answered: 5 FAQS with the Recruitment Team
Five frequently asked recruitment questions answered by the Recruitment Team's Cultivation Lead and C14 Kairapu, Sarah Dillaman!
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Take our eligibility quiz
Are you eligible to join our flagship programme? Our quiz will help you understand whether you meet our eligibility criteria as well as what subjects you may be able to teach.
Take the eligibility quiz!
Request an info pack
If you would like to find out more about our programme, how it works and who we are looking for, we have created an information pack just for you!