Kairapu Network

Our community
Ko te kairapu ko ia te kite. They who seek shall find.
Inequality is complex. It takes a constellation of people - each with their own unique positioning, experiences, insights, and motivations - to achieve equity in our schools and in our society. All allies of this vision and all those that pass through our flagship programme are seekers. None of us alone can generate a unifying solution; our individual and collective orientation is to seek, explore, and test possibilities. This seeking is our strength. Each of us paddles our waka in the direction of equity. Sometimes collaboration looks like lashing our crafts together. Other times collaboration means taking a breath and calling into our home harbour.
Here we share stories, regenerate, strategise, and find the strength to go back out to open seas. The Kairapu Community is a hub for all those who seek an education system and society in which all young people can flourish and thrive.
Welcome home.

Subscribe to our Newsletter
A monthly email newsletter for Kairapu community stories, curated links and resources, and notices for connection and funding opportunities.
Subscribe here

Join an event
Local meet-ups, talks, community showcases, kaupapa zoom calls, and more.
See our upcoming events

Grow our community
Learn about voluntary and paid opportunities to encourage and coach the next generation of Kairapu.
Find out more

Advise the Ako Mātātupu Board
Advise the Ako Mātātupu Board of Trustees while developing governance skills and experiences and influencing Ako Matatupu’s strategic direction.
Apply here

Share your story
Submit a blog post for publishing, pitch an idea for a community story, or send in a video or written reflection of your challenges and wins so far.
Submit your story here

Seek support for a Project
Apply for funding for a new or existing Kairapu-led impact project, submit a notice for the newsletter, or simply write in with a fledgling change-making idea.
Apply for funding here
“Working with our rangatahi has been one of my biggest privileges” - Tracie Pile, Cohort 2015
Take our eligibility quiz
Are you eligible to join our flagship programme? Our quiz will help you understand whether you meet our eligibility criteria as well as what subjects you may be able to teach.
Take the eligibility quiz!
Request an info pack
If you would like to find out more about our programme, how it works and who we are looking for, we have created an information pack just for you!