Every Day is Waitangi Day
Feb 06, 2023 - Voices
Today Rākaunui coincides with Waitangi Day - a great day for big collective energy to put toward collective results. At Ako Mātātupu one of our core values is Mana Tangata, acknowledging our duty to re-Indigenise education for our learners. In partnership with our communities, we aim to develop teaching and leadership programmes that contribute towards a much bigger goal of widespread systemic change - for the benefit of all the people of Aotearoa.
We are so lucky to work together in education - as teachers, school leaders, policy workers, community advocates, teacher-educators, friends, whānau, and rangatahi - for an Aotearoa where everyone can thrive. Towards this aim we look to Te Tiriti o Waitangi for guidance.
Te Tiriti is a promise - for past, present, and future. Te Tiriti cares for Tino Rangatiratanga and Hapū Rangatiratanga. Te Tiriti cares for the descendants of this whenua, and cares for those that come to this whenua seeking safety and belonging. Te Tiriti cares for Papatūānuku and the whole ecological family. Care for Te Tiriti and it will care for all of us; time to restore the promise and care for each other, beyond domination.
Every day is Waitangi Day; ka whawhai tonu mātou. Big love to the community of kaiako toa - warrior teachers - serving young people around Aotearoa, today and all days.

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