Tekau: 10 Years of Participants on the Teach First NZ Programme
Dec 08, 2022 - News items
10 years of tenacious teachers and leaders, 10 years of forming friendships and allegiances for all manner of change-making projects and relationships. 10 years of scholarship and inquiry. 10 years of brave cohorts, Cohort 2013-Cohort 2023! Check out the timeline.
So many students’ lives, school cultures and policy plans have been impacted by these creative, knowledgeable and loving participant teachers & social justice-seeking Kairapu. Meet our cohorts and learn more about the history of Ako Mātātupu throughout the years of the iconic Teach First NZ Programme: teaching and leadership development in service of an Aotearoa where all young people can thrive.

Cohort 2013, Teach First NZ Programme delivered in partnership with the University of Auckland & participant teachers employed in lower decile schools in Auckland and Northland.

Cohort 2014, Teach First NZ Programme delivered in partnership with the University of Auckland & participant teachers employed in lower decile schools in Auckland and Northland.

Cohort 2015, Teach First NZ Programme delivered in partnership with the University of Auckland & participant teachers employed in lower decile schools in Auckland and Northland.

Cohort 2016, Teach First NZ Programme delivered in partnership with the University of Auckland & participant teachers employed in lower decile schools in Auckland and Northland.

Cohort 2017, Teach First NZ Programme delivered in partnership with the University of Auckland & participant teachers employed in lower decile schools in Auckland and Northland.

Cohort 2018, Teach First NZ Programme delivered in partnership with The Mind Lab & participant teachers employed in schools serving lower socio-economic communities around Te Ika-a-Māui, the North Island.

Cohort 2019, Teach First NZ Programme delivered in partnership with The Mind Lab & participant teachers employed in schools serving lower socio-economic communities nationwide.

Ururoa, Cohort 2020, Teach First NZ Programme delivered in partnership with The Mind Lab & participant teachers employed in schools serving lower socio-economic communities nationwide.

Te Ahitū Cohort 2021 and Tū Takitini Cohort 2022, Teach First NZ Programme delivered by Ako Mātātupu. A huge milestone, the Postgraduate Diploma in Secondary Teaching is now delivered as a sovereign qualification by Ako Mātātupu as a registered Private Training Establishment (PTE) and provider of Initial Teacher Education (ITE).

Cohort 2023, Teach First NZ Programme delivered by Ako Mātātupu & participant teachers employed in schools serving lower socio-economic communities nationwide.
A non-exhaustive list, but on the occasion of our 10 year anniversary huge thanks go to Shaun Sutton, Deborah George, Graeme Aitken, Ngaire Hoben and Margaret Bendall for making this ambitious social justice project first possible; thank you to all of the rigorous academic partners and advisors over the past decade; Aotearoa's Ministry of Education for their support and belief in this pathway to serve the equity needs of our nation’s young people; all the many schools serving low-socioeconomic communities; our bold and encouraging board members, funders, friends and community partners; Teach For All global collaborators and co-conspirators; the dedicated staff members, leaders and Kaihautū of Teach First NZ and the school of Ako Mātātupu - both past and present.
Everyone’s hands have made this kaupapa possible. Tekau: 10 Years is just the beginning! We are so looking forward to coming together on Saturday 10th of December to celebrate the work so far, and to sharpen our focus for the future. Join us: https://www.eventfinda.co.nz/2...
Our young people are worth it.
You're invited! Come celebrate Tekau: 10 Years of Ako Mātātupu
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