Information for schools

Partner schools
We connect and partner with schools who share our passion for addressing educational inequality, and who want to work with us towards a future when all young people in Aotearoa can realise their full potential.
Ako Mātātupu: Teach First NZ hopes to partner with all schools who share this kaupapa.
Partnership opportunities include: co-hosting events and workshops; sharing best practice with our network; receiving professional development (mentor training, cultural responsiveness development); hosting school visits; or employing one of our participants.

Employ a participant
Ako Mātātupu: Teach First NZ is committed to providing an exceptional employment-based initial teacher education pathway.
Programme participants are recruited and selected by Ako Mātātupu for their potential to be effective teachers and leaders. Our participants teach in high-demand subjects, in response to the needs of schools. To date, 54% of programme participants have taught STEM, and 17% have taught Te Reo Māori. Throughout our rigorous, 3-stage recruitment process, successful candidates are those who are assessed to be culturally competent and responsive, who achieve highly, who are resilient, who show leadership, who are willing to learn, who build strong relationships with others, who are organised and planned and who believe in the potential of all young people.
Since our launch, 9% of those who have applied have been made an offer to join the programme.
Ako Mātātupu is committed to providing a high quality pathway into teaching. While working in schools, participants complete a Postgraduate Diploma of Teaching qualification and receive pedagogical and subject specific support from visiting specialists. Participants also attract a mentoring entitlement which allows time for an in-school mentor to work with them each week.
If you are interested in partnering with us by employing a participant or in any other way, please get in touch.

Take our eligibility quiz
Are you eligible to join our flagship programme? Our quiz will help you understand whether you meet our eligibility criteria as well as what subjects you may be able to teach.
Take the eligibility quiz!
Request an info pack
If you would like to find out more about our programme, how it works and who we are looking for, we have created an information pack just for you!